Mission/ Goal
The LVYBT is dedicated to the development and growth for the Greater Las Vegas Area youth bowlers of all ages. Through scratch tournament style conditions our goal is to help parents and bowlers experience conditions that would be found at national or regional tournaments. This will help the LVYBT bowlers perform better and know what to expect at those tournaments if they travel. We also want to help more youth identify their strengths in bowling and their own personalities that will benefit them as they grow in life.
The Las Vegas Youth Bowling Tournament will be hosting tournaments for the Western states youth bowlers. Tournaments will be at different centers and will have various formats and patterns. All tournaments will be certified with USBC and funds deposited into and by SMART account (#9293).
Below are the general rules. Each tournament will have specific rules that apply to that specific tournament.
Tournament Fees
Each youth bowler will have an entry fee. Based on the number of games, the entry fee may fluctuate to meet the type of tournament. Scholarship prize fund amount might change due to Lineage costs of the center.
Entry fees will include the following breakdown:
· Lineage
· 1 Bracket Entry
· Expenses
· Processing
· Prize Fund $XX
Additional brackets will be available for $5 each
All scholarships will be deposited in the bowler’s name in a SMART account through USBC. The SMART number is #9293. · Scholarship payouts will be figured by a prize fund app. Payouts will be based on the lowest payout not being less than $50 and the highest not over $500.
Any prize fund overage will then fall to lower positions in order at the tournament rate until depleted at $50 each. Other tournaments may have a different payout based on format but it will be stated on the tournament flier.
Check-in refers to the published schedule time. Bowling will begin approximately 1 hour after check-in opens. All bowlers MUST have their completed entries turned into the tournament office no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of competition.
Items required at check-in include:
· Tournament Entry Form (must be filled out completely each tournament) or online entry
· USBC Certification Card/membership
· Junior Gold Card if applicable
If the bowler does not provide the above items or they are not filled out completely, the bowler will not be allowed to check-in. If the bowler is checked in but arrives late to their pair of lanes at the start of competition, they will be allowed to bowl but will receive a zero for any frames missed up to frame 5. If a player is late and does not bowl frames 1-5, at the conclusion of their skipped 5th frame they are disqualified. A refund will not be given. At the conclusion of their shift, bowlers will have 10 minutes to turn their scores into the tournament office, or they may be disqualified.
Tournament Format
The format for each tournament will be determined by the Tournament Director.
Bowlers will bowl a determined number of games based on the tournament type. (Usually 4 or 5) The games will be for total pin-fall (scratch; no handicap). Each game is bowled on a pair of lanes, moving one or more pairs of lanes to the right after each game if allowed by covid regulations. How many pairs skipped will be announced at the start of the tournament.
All ties are settled using a one frame best first ball one frame roll off. In the event of a tie, the frame will repeat until someone gets less pins than the other. Both spares would have to be made in the event of the same first ball in order to continue. Miss the spare and the other player wins. If both spares are made but one player has a lower first throw than the other, the player with the higher first throw wins.
Each division will have a top three stepladder finals to determine the tournament winner. Junior Gold Qualifiers will have a different format announced on the flier for those tournaments.
Special circumstances for COVID might cause changes these rules. The tournament will be operated under the health and safety guidelines of the center, accepted at the time of the tournament. Additional safety measures can be determined by the board if needed. Any lane condition changes will be announced before the start of the event.
Bowler must be a USBC Certified Youth bowler in good standing.
3 Scratch Divisions
Bowlers compete across 3 divisions, 2 by USBC Sport Average, 1 by USBC Age Range
2023-2024 divisions are as follows:
Junior (J12) – Established by the USBC age ranges for the U12 division. A Player cannot be 12 years old before Aug 1st of the corresponding season. If their 12th birthdate is on Aug 1st of the corresponding season, then they are eligible for U12 that season. Any further Clarification can be found on bowl.com under u12 age division. Once a Junior Division bowler wins (2) in the Division they will be eligible to move up to the Junior Varsity Division, with the consent of the bowler, parent(s) and LVYBT Director.
Junior Varsity (JV) – Established or determined averages below 175 or 158 Sport
Varsity (V) – Established or determined averages above 175 house or 158 Sport
An established average will be considered based off at least 12 LVYBT games or a USBC league sheet as a temporary average until a LVYBT Average can be established. House shot USBC league averages will be adjusted to a sport average.
If entering without an established USBC or LVYBT average and no past USBC average, the tournament director will determine which division you would like to participate. Once the first tournament is completed, the average of those games and all subsequent games per tournament will determine your division until you reach the required 12 games. A Varsity bowler cannot drop down to a lower division if their average falls below 175 until two varsity division participating tournaments have passed. All Junior Varsity bowlers will be given 10 average points to 168 LVYBT average to stay in JV. If a title is won by a JV bowler with a 158 or more average, then that bowler must bowl in the Varsity Division at least two events or until their average falls below the 158 LVYBT designated JV average again. The bowler then may move back to JV all previous rules still apply. It is our hope that that the youth will continue to grow and that there won’t be a need to move to JV after being moved to Varsity. This system is designed to pick the optimum time for a youth to transition to Varsity.
Playing Up in Division
Athletes have the option of competing in a division higher than what their average provides, but not lower.
Dress Code
Tournament management will determine if the uniform worn by the participant is acceptable. If the uniform is deemed unacceptable, the participant will be required to change the uniform immediately. If the participant is unable to change into a compliant uniform, they will be removed from the competition for that day.
Competitors shall provide their own bowling shirt with a collared, V-neck, rib-lined or banded necklines. Mock collar must be a minimum of three-quarters of one inch. All shirts must have finished sleeves for all competition. Females may wear a sleeveless shirt with a butterfly collar only if the sleeves are finished. It is recommended that participants have their names on their shirts, but it is not required. If the participant chooses to have a name on the back it is recommended that the participants wear their last names (first and last name is recommended) in lettering a minimum of one-inch high and a maximum of three inches high, on the back of shirts during all tournament play. Hand-printed lettering is not permitted. Lettering must be in contrasting color to backing (light on dark, or dark on light material) so it can be easily read from a distance.
Male participants are required to wear slacks. Slacks must not contain drawstring waists or elastic bottoms. Slacks must have a zipper and a button to be eligible. Jeans are not permitted. Female participants are required to wear slacks, skirts, culottes, skorts or walking shorts. All skirts, culottes, skorts, or walking shorts must be no shorter than one-half the distance from the inseam to the top of the knee in length and/or no shorter than the fingertips when the arms are at their sides while standing. Jeans and yoga pants are not permitted.
No covering or sunglasses can be worn while practicing or competing (hats, caps, or bandannas, etc.). Male participants cannot wear any headgear while practicing or competing unless a request is made in writing and approved prior to the event.
Bowlers will adhere to the USBC rule and regulations on electronics. No earpieces or headphones can be worn during the tournament unless for health necessity. No phones allowed in the bowler’s area. Bowlers need to stay in the bowler’s area during games unless for a restroom break.
No open practice will be allowed prior to the beginning or during the qualifying competition. All bowlers will be given 10 minutes of warm up on their starting pair of lanes prior to the start of the qualifying competition. Total games to qualify for a stepladder or cut may change based on the type of tournament. Any mechanical problems with lane practice during a tournament that causes significant practice time loss, added time will be solely up to the tournament director. Once practice starts, no parents, siblings, or outside of the tournament coaches will be allowed in the bowler’s area. No surface changes once competition begins.
Lane Maintenance (Patterns)
A fair, equitable, sport-compliant lane condition for all event lanes is the primary objective of the LVYBT lane conditioning program. The LVYBT will not disclose any of the oil pattern information until before or after the event has concluded based on the structure and type of the event. It is prohibited to discuss lane maintenance procedures with lane maintenance personnel at any time prior to or during a LVYBT event. Any issues regarding this policy must be made to the LVYBT Board.
Bowler and Parent Sportsmanship Expectation
The LVYBT takes seriously its role in helping the development of youth athletes. It is important for both Bowler and Parent to show the best sportsmanship towards behavior, attitude, etc. Anyone causing a disruption will be asked to leave after a warning. No refund will be given and the youth will be disqualified at that point.
Bowlers’ Responsibility
Entry into any LVYBT event constitutes acceptance of and adhere to all LVYBT rules. Each tournament or league can and does have its own rules- it is the bowlers’ responsibility to be aware of all rules and regulations. Each bowler is responsible for the accuracy of his/her scorecard.
The use of profanity (Verbal or Non-Verbal), alcohol or tobacco products by any youth bowler will not be permitted from the time they check in to the time they turn in their score sheet. The first violation of this rule will be a warning; the second violation will be disqualification without a refund. Any rules not specifically listed will be governed by the USBC. We also ask that all adults refrain from the use of profanity, alcohol, or tobacco products until all youth bowlers have completed their bowling. Any bowlers or spectators not conducting themselves in an appropriate sportsman-like manner will be disqualified, in the case of the bowler, or asked to leave the tournament area, in the case of a spectator.
All rules regarding equipment legality, drilling legality, surface legality, etc. Follow the USBC rulebook unless otherwise posted (i.e. no abrasive surface, surface changes mid-squad), balls must be drilled (and gripped) to pass all specifications (including the new specifications regarding two-hander no thumb delivers), etc. Please see the director if you have any questions regarding your equipment.
Legal delivery
All bowlers must declare their dominant hand before starting an individual event. Bowlers may NOT switch hands during a tournament. Violations result in a) zero for the frame, and/or b) disqualification. Dominant hand is defined as the hand in which a) the fingers of which are in the ball, and/or b) the shoulder by which the delivery passes by. Bowlers who are able to bowl either hand must notify tournament officials of which dominant hand is being used, so that sperate averages can be kept for either hand. “Two-handed” bowling, which legal, must adhere to the same ‘dominant hand’ rules. Young bowlers doing literal ‘two-handed’ bowling (i.e. no fingers at all in an undrilled ball) may be required to establish a new average when graduating to a fingers-in release.
It is important for LVYBT to maintain the integrity of their tournaments and to be attractive guests to the bowling center operators on whom LVYBT depends. Consequently, lofting is not allowed beyond the arrows (~15’). The athlete’s ball must contact the lane before the arrows. First violation will result in a warning and loss of frame. Second violation will result in disqualification. LVYBT also wants to remind athletes they are personally responsible for any damage caused by their behavior.
Junior Gold
Applicable Junior Gold qualifying events. The bowler(s) with the highest five game total in each age group will qualify for the Junior Gold National Championship (see www.bowl.com/juniorgold for details). We will qualify a minimum of 1 in 4 girl bowlers and 1 in 5 boy bowlers as long as minimum attendance amounts are met for respected divisions. To be eligible for the Junior Gold qualifying portions of this event the bowler MUST be a USBC certified youth bowler and a Junior Gold member in good standing. Junior Gold membership cards must be presented at the time of check-in. If the bowler is not a Junior Gold member, they MUST fill out the Junior Gold membership form and pay all applicable dues prior to the check-in deadline.
Tournament Committee
The tournament committee will handle all disputes and rule violations; the Tournament Committee’s decision is final unless an appeal is made in accordance with USBC Rule 329. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to change the format etc. – this includes practice prior to stepladder competition, or cancel a tournament without prior notice, or delay the start of an event up to ten minutes.
Media Statement
By participating in this individual event or tour I grant permission to Las Vegas Youth Bowling Tour (LVYBT) to use my/our name/s, likeness, image, voice and/or appearance in any photographs, video recordings, digital images, and other media representations, taken or made or LVYBT marketing and publicity activities including, but not limited to, social media channels, website publication, magazine publications, advertisements, and any promotional or educational materials offered both online or in digital or print format.
Thank you for your consideration!
Proud Sponsors of the Las Vegas Youth Bowlers Tour

Las Vegas YBT
Las Vegas Youth Bowlers Tour is a Non-Profit Corporation dedicated to building youth bowling in the Southern Nevada, Las Vegas area.
- 702-592-9420
- [email protected]
- 5600 Blue Peak Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89131